Sunday, April 02, 2006

Apologies for the delays...

Kia Ora all!

[Actually, that takes me onto a side note already. It seems really funny, I wear my bone carving that my best friend (of Intermediate and High School) made for me all the time now as I can't be bothered fiddling with the knot each time I want to wear it. Back home it's such an intrinsic part of our culture and everyone tends to know what they signify to greater or lesser detail. Here though they don't mean anything and certainly noone takes it as a great neon sign saying 'KIWI - and if another person asks if I'm Australian I will scream; or just generally look disgruntled'. In fact, I now look enough not like a tourist that I have tourists stopping me to ask for directions. Sometimes I can help but most times I have to look at them blankly and wave in a general direction and then explain that I'm a foreigner too. However, the exception is fellow Kiwis who notice the koru and leap forward enthusiastically proclaiming that they too are from back home.]

Back to the real reason for the post which was to apologise for the delay in communications. The library is now shut for a month and half which leaves paying at the internet cafe and means that I probably won't get online quite so often as before. Still email me though! I will email back :) On the bright side, closing meant that they slashed prices on their rental DVDs in a very drastic way and all the dvds and books are out till they reopen. I have like half a season of CSI (Vegas and NY), half a season of Sex and the City (I never watched it on tv), a season of BLack Books (which is supposed to be brilliant) and a bunch of other stuff to keep me entertained for six weeks and all for a third of the price of a movie ticket. (*g* I'm going to have to rent so many DVDs when I get home. It doesn't seem worth going to the movies when it works out to almost NZ$45!!).

I've been sick recently (handy that my NHS number just arrived then although I'm still waiting on the NIS since I just went for my interview) but am slowly starting to feel a little better. Don't panic Mum, and ironic I know after our misunderstanding so that you thought I was sick the week before, it's just a throat/ear bug. I'm drinking pints of this Lemsipp type stuff andsnuggling my duvet on my work breaks. A few of our regulars have been sick with it as well and we're blaming the sudden burst of warmer weather for suddenly waking all the hibernating bugs.

Anyways, I've seen so much this week that it makes my head spin to try and remember and place everything but I will try and will hopefully have this blog updated and emails replied to by the end of this session :P

*hugs to all*


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