Sunday, April 02, 2006


I went to Harrods tonight. The only things open on a Saturday night (in terms of tourist attractions) are the Tate Modern and Harrods. I've never been a particular fan of modern art. That's not to say that I don't like modern artists just not most 'modern art'. I do plan to go and skim through but it's not as high on my list as the National Portrait Gallery or some of the other collections. Or - there was an internationally famous department store that has acquired for itself an aura of wealth and status. I still remember my father bringing us back jigsaw puzzles from Harrods when he flew over for his nephew's wedding. Harrods is indeed fricking expensive. I windowshopped through Prada, Versace, Dior etc..., through diamonds and through ordinary looking urban clothing that still rung up 150 pounds for an ordinary looking singlet (the pound symbol isn't working on this keyboard for some reason).

However, they do still have a bunch of stuff that is more ordinarily priced especially in their giftware, candy, games and toys sections and some of the jewelry collections. I blame Nick for not being there to seperate me and my credit card.... I saw in advance that he might object to that excuse (it is difficult to stop someone spending when they're on the other side of the planet; *g* especially when they're keeping an eye out for stuff for you) so despite an ongoing titanic battle of wills between responsible spending and a natural woman's instinct to shop, I did manage to refrain from buying much. Mainly because I told myself that I'd add Harrods to my growing list of "Places to spend the rest of my sterling at on my last day in England while waiting for it to be time to go out to Heathrow and hopefully not get lost in the underground warren of bunny tunnels that in theory come out at the different terminals'. Marks & Spencers, Sainsburys (you should see the aisles and aisles of wines and hard liquor that they sell) and the tourist stalls selling tacky tourist souvenirs that you can't help but want to take home - are also on my list. It seems unwise to buy too much now and weigh the suitcase down before it gets dragged across Europe, Scotland & Ireland.

It is very very hard to walk through entire rooms of stuffed toys and not buy any... I so have to go back...

I forgot to mention that on one of the floor's they have what every girl dreams of - a chocolate cafe. You can watch the vats churning the liquid chocolate out front. All they sere is chocolate. Chocolate crossaints; five different kinds of hot chocolate; different chocolate milkshakes including alcoholic, chocolate brownies etc..


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