Thursday, November 16, 2006


I'm back working at National Bank for another summer. I was kind of worried as I hadn't done any temping work for about 2 months - sometimes due to uni and sometimes because there were simply no phone calls... Manpower came through though and have me another job for the summer. It''ll be nice when the rest of the temps start in December for the project; I'm glad that I was able to start early though! It was good timing too, they took the floor out for dinner and drinks a couple of days after I started :)

The women's who's desk I temporarily have possession of has just had a little boy (a 2h drugs-free delivery, you should hear the good-natured jealousy in the office!). Apparently she'd been on a health/diet/gym regime for ages complaining bitterly that she was starting to get tubby. She didn't realize that she was pregnant until 6-7 months in, freaky huh!


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