Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Breaking Up is suddenly easier to do...

Another random gem from the pages of TIME is a review of You no longer have to stress about how to let your significant other that you are tired of them, now you can show your true colours and pay someone else to do it for you! For only US$25 you can send them a nice little certificate to inform them that they're dumped and they even get a cute wee monkey as a souvenier of their broken heart. It's free shipping within their states and they'll even call the dumpee to confirm that it's for real and not all some horrible, twisted joke. Just to rub salt in the wound, they'll even publish the names involved on their site i.e. Dumper, Dumpee, Time & Date ended, relevant state etc... It's some small consolation that the service has now become so popular they haven't had time this year to update that page...


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