Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Girls will understand, boys can skip to the other new posts.

This is, I confess, undoubtedly a call for sympathy (already given by Anna) but also a reminder to myself to appreciate the comforts of home. I hate PMS. I really really hate PMS on my own in a different country. Don't get me wrong, Depo has a number of advantages so I don't have to worry about cramps or any of that and the PMS isn't as bad. Even so, suddenly the perfect skin is unfairly less perfect, you're lower back is aching, you're craving chocolate and weeping at the drop of a hat. All I wanted last night was to be curled up back home on a couch, under my favourite snuggly blanket, with my cat curled up on my lap, with a tub of my favourite cookies & cream icecream (it makes so many things right) watching Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing and cathartically weeping and laughing through the film. Falling asleep in front of the music videos stuck on repeat (they're such a great extra on the DVD) only to be carried away to bed by my darling boyfriend whom I miss terribly would also be a bonus. This would mean that the cat would probably be left to sleep under the snuggly blanket on the couch but I can live with this. I can always sneak him in later. [not that my cat is likely to ever live at Nick's for any that are confused, and yes I will be sweeping Galahad (the cat) into my arms and away to a new flat (as soon as I find one upon my return & thank you Mum & Dad for looking after him!) but as this is my fantasy I feel quite justified to smudge the details just a little.]


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