Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Recent Activties

My boss goes on holiday soon and our tight-ass corporation has refused to allow wages for relief cover so Caroline and I will be working from open to close for that time.... Which means that this is my last day off for around three weeks. So I've tried to cram as much as possible into the last two days. I've kind of run out of sterling and the internet cafes don't take card so you may have to wait till next week for detailed writeups! But, in brief, I've covered -

The Tower of London
Tower Bridge
Southwark Cathedral
Borough Markets
The Globe
The Trocadero
St Paul's Cathedral
Tate Modern

and may make a start on the National Gallery this afternoon. Maybe... some actual time off that involves snoozing and not being on my feet is also tempting! :P The next few posts probably will be a bit of a jumble in terms of the actual order of events but hey, I figure that doesn't matter :) I'll try and get some more photos up next week as well after I've been paid :)

So, still to do:

Vinopolis - I'll type up some time what you get on their tour but I'm going to be so trashed by the time I leave (whenever i get to do it). There's about 7 wine tastings, 2 beer & 2 whiskey tastings, a Bombay Sapphire cocktail and then of course they encourage you to buy glasses of other stuff in their range. They have one of the largest whiskey collections in the UK (or was it Europe) and also one of the largest wine collections in the UK. Oh, and you get a free t-shirt. :P

The rest of the British Museum (this time with camera)

National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery

Madame Tussauds

Probably the London Eye at some point, meh, I've seen it all at ground level and from the plane so I'm not too fussed.

Camden Markets

West End show


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