Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Trocadero

It's this block sized entertainment complex that sprawls across several streets above and underground. The cinema complex there is more affordable (yay!) but they had crap all on unfortunately. There's also a ten pin bowlin alley there and loads of arcade games. A huge candy store but I've gone off sweets. It was cool to look around though. Lots of little boutique stores. I finally got a Nightmare Before Christmas shirt - oh frabjous day! They only had the one size though and I swear it's made for anorexic teeny boppers more concerned with e then food. I can just fit but have the feeling it's probably going to end up framed on my wall rather than on me.

Went out for dinner there, my first meal out, to this place called Ed's Diner snce I had a discount. It's an old school American diner playing rock and roll and looking like something out of Grease. Which the burger probably contained a fair amount of. I miss Burger Fuel (and cheap sushi being available everywhere). It was warm and comfortable though and the first coke that I've had in a month so that kind of reminded me of home :)


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