British Passport
I finally managed to save up the money to send off for my British passport before they change their minds and decide to actually restrict them to British citizens :) There's a noticeable difference though in British mentality - my NZ passport photo has, unfortunately, bad hair, but at least you can see it!, but I'm smiling at least. For my British one on the other hand I had to have my hair completely off my face (because my ears reveal vital information about my terrorist capabilities?), mouth has to be closed and above all else you are most definitely not allowed to smile; obviously they expect the country to be bloody cold, grey, raining and uncomfortable when you arrive in Heathrow so that noone would ever think of smiling at a customs officer? Still, off it got sent along with a pile of vital documents, which have to be originals rather than JP approved photocopies so I'm praying the Dad's faded birth cert. comes back safely, and if all goes well I get another passport to stick in a drawer :)
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